T & L Stones offers monument, pet markers, vases, benches, cremation products, custom etching, mausoleums and captivating columbria of all kinds.
We offer many services to existing memorials already set in a cemetery. Below are several.
• Final Date-cutting: Add a final date to existing memorial already set in cemetery.
• Additional Engraving: Add engraving to an existing memorial.
• Cleaning and Leveling: Clean and level a memorial that is not level.
• New Foundation: If the concrete foundation cannot be leveled and hold, a new foundation is needed.
• Duplicate/Match: If you wish to duplicate or match an existing memorial, we will go to the cemetery and look at the existing memorial, get a rubbing, and quote you a cost to duplicate.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email us to schedule your appointment.
Email: tlstonesbcs@gmail.com
Phone: 979-217-1795